Ultrasound Scanning
We provide a full range of ultrasound scanning in gynaecology and early pregnancy.
Depending on the nature of clinical problems we can perform examinations using either the transvaginal, translabial or transabdominal route.
We are able to offer both two and three-dimensional scans including colour and power Doppler studies of blood flow in the pelvis.
Ultrasound Scanning
Our ultrasound equipment is modern, top of the range and is of the highest quality. The machines are designed to be used in early pregnancy and they are compliant with the international safety standards.
All ultrasound images are stored on our dedicated database and they can be shared with women and their referring doctors.
Our probe disinfection procedures are of the highest standard and we use Trophon machines which are automated high level disinfection devices to protect women from the risk of cross contamination.